Monday, December 26, 2011


Another holiday season has come and gone.  Mine is bittersweet:  Bitter, due to my husband being gone for work; Sweet, due to the wonderful friends I got to share the holidays with.  I am in the process of trying to cut out the bs in my life, and this includes people who have only done things to try and tear me down.  I think I am doing a pretty good job of it.  The only time there seems to be a problem, is when these people lie to my husband and I am then questioned.  This questioning, makes me feel like he thinks I am lying to him, or not trustworthy, but slowly and surely, he is realizing more and more that these people are just saying things to cause us to have fights and to get inbetween our marriage.  I honestly feel they are intimidated by my presence, but yet there is nothing to be intimidated about.  I am who I am, I just don't play part in the stupid games, and maybe this is the issue.  My life goes on, without these people's presence, and my life is not less of a life or damaged or without, without these people in it.  Actually, life is so much easier without them in it, because I do not have to constantly fret over how people may misunderstand what I say and somehow turn it around.  The other perspective in my life I am working on, is to quit making excuses to not get healthier.  My diet is pretty good.  I take vitamins, don't eat anything processed, and don't eat refined sugar.  My problem area is just exercising, and winter time is not helping this.  I make myself get up and go, and I feel better after I do exercise, but for whatever reason, the motivation to do it isn't there, and I need to work on this.  Today is day five, of committing to exercise, and I have already lost the motivation..However, I want the result of working out.  To be continued tomorrow...

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